AIUM Webinar: how to perform and interpret first-trimester 3D ultrasound
We hosted a live webinar on how to perform and interpret first-trimester 3D ultrasound scanning using Crystal Vue™ technology in collaboration with the American Insitute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM). The event was moderated by Professor Tom Bourne.
Bernadette de Bakker, Harsha Shah and Marieke Buijtendijk each spoke on topics ranging from machine set-up to embryology and our work in creating the 3D ultrasound atlas. The event was a great success with high registration counts and we received great responses from attendees. We are grateful to AIUM for the opportunity to present our work on their platform and hope that efforts such as these will help to further advance the field of early pregnancy scanning.
Author Marieke Buijtendijk
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