ESRF User Meeting Grenoble
True scientific inspiration at the ESRF User Meeting in Grenoble!
What an incredible place—the synchrotron with the world’s most powerful X-ray source. When Jermo Hanemaaijer-van der Veer, Daniël Docter, and I were there, we happened to have beamtime to scan a pancreas from our anatomy department at Amsterdam UMC at ultra-high resolution (up to 2 micrometers—for comparison, a human hair is about 70 micrometers thick!) to study the micro-anatomy of this organ. For the first time ever, we visualized individual cells within a fully intact 3D pancreas!
This innovative initiative wouldn’t have been possible without the relentless efforts of Peter Lee, Claire Walsh, Paul Tafforeau, Hector Dejea I Velardo, Ruikang Xue and all the postdocs, PhD students, students and technicians involved in the Human Organ Atlas Hub. The potential for further research is immense!
Thanks to the members of the International Advisory Board (Lucy Collinson, Sam Bayat, Marina E., Jason Swedlow and Stuart Stock) for their time and valuable advise for the future of the HOAHub. The cross-pollination between physicists, astronomers, mathematicians, paleontologists, data scientists, and medical experts is unique and opens doors to solving major biomedical challenges.
To be one of the 9 PIs in this unique project brings lots of opportunities to Amsterdam UMC and the Netherlands. Peter Lee thanks for this chance! Fellow PIs are: Peter Lee, Claire Walsh, Danny Jonigk, Max Ackermann, Stijn Verleden, Alexandre BELLIER, Anastasia Yendiki and Paul Tafforeau.
For details on the Human Organ Atlas Hub:
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