15 Weeks Gestation

3D Ultrasound Atlas

Comparative fetal anatomy

Below are annotated images of a fetus at 10 weeks gestation, imaged in-vivo using 3D ultrasound imaging with CrystalVue™ and RealisticVue™ applied.

Occipital bone
Lamboidal suture
Parietal bone
Coronal suture
Frontal bone
Sphenoidal fontanelle

Skull bones, sutures and features of the fetal face including the lips at 15 weeks gestation.

3D ultrasound volume with CrystalVue™ and RealisticVue™ rendering.

Fetal limbs including hands and feet.

You can see into the brain here with CrystalVue – falx ands ventricle


3D ultrasound volume with CrystalVue™ and RealisticVue™ rendering, visualising the kidneys in-vivo. The 3D ultrasound image is compared to specimen TOP 62 (15+0) from the Dutch Fetal Biobank.


3D ultrasound volume with CrystalVue™ and RealisticVue™ rendering, visualising the diaphragm in-vivo. The 3D ultrasound image is compared to specimen TOP 62 (15+0) from the Dutch Fetal Biobank.